Sunday, 4 November 2018

The food of my life

Cooking and baking is my real hobby. I spend most weekends pottering around in the kitchen. It's all usually down to time and energy but I still have so much more to cook in my life. It is probably the best thing I am at doing. I admit a slight passion for cookbooks. I have many and each one inspires me. I have been collecting them since I was twelve. My interest in food has never waned. So a lot of my recipes here will be from books I own and I will always attribute and promote them.

So in this space I do not plan to impress. Indeed, I sort of hope no one ever reads it. It is important to me to document what I cook as the time goes on; a record of my culinary course. It reminds me of places I have lived, and times of my life.

Today's post will be on what I cooked yesterday. A little meat pie that was quite delicious and through the experience of working in a traditional bakery, I picked up a couple of hints. The recipe, I hasten to add, is my own but the method is pure Old Farm Bakery.

At the Bakery, the pie pastry was made on a Monday, which was preparation day. The shop was not open. We used roll pastry for England - from 08.30 until 2.00pm, by which time my wrists were pretty sore. All we did was roll and cut out pie cases and lids to fit individual tin cases. These were then put onto large baking sheets which were then loaded into the deep freezer. The numbers were carefully totted up, according to the week's markets.

So, on a much lesser scale I thought that now we are in cold weather that this might be a good plan for weekday meals for me, when the thought of cooking after a day's work and commuting definitely puts the kybosh on the urge to create a delicious dinner.
Meat pie filling added to frozen pastry cases

filled pies ready for lids

frozen pastry lids defrosted 

final glaze to be added

ready for the oven
slightly under so they can reheat later

lightly golden - when cold I will freeze for use to be just heated up later on

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