Saturday, 18 February 2017

potato onion pie

I added potatoes and onions to a basic quiche recipe,  aka Simon Hopkinson's potato pie - actually it was almost nothing like it but it was very tasty and a hearty meal.

Actual shortcrust: 60g lard, 120g cold cubed butter, 200g plain flour, one egg yolk, salt. This was blind-baked and filled when the crust was cool.

Cooked, sliced potatoes and onions were layered with some cooked bacon pieces;

an egg and cream mixture, with and salt and pepper filled the pie shell.

After baking, I removed the spring-form pan to reveal a nice raised "quiche" - the cracked pastry had already been filled with egg wash and baked before the filling had gone in.

Love the potato layer look:

Looks like I could have had more filling ...

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