Saturday, 18 February 2017

potato onion pie

I added potatoes and onions to a basic quiche recipe,  aka Simon Hopkinson's potato pie - actually it was almost nothing like it but it was very tasty and a hearty meal.

Actual shortcrust: 60g lard, 120g cold cubed butter, 200g plain flour, one egg yolk, salt. This was blind-baked and filled when the crust was cool.

Cooked, sliced potatoes and onions were layered with some cooked bacon pieces;

an egg and cream mixture, with and salt and pepper filled the pie shell.

After baking, I removed the spring-form pan to reveal a nice raised "quiche" - the cracked pastry had already been filled with egg wash and baked before the filling had gone in.

Love the potato layer look:

Looks like I could have had more filling ...

Monday, 23 January 2017

and again

the starter was very bubbly, and this shows in the bake.

Cooked well all the way through.
Started off with maximum heat in oven.
Water tray at bottom for heat.
Loaves in with spray from water bottle for extra steam.
Turned oven down to gas 7 setting.
20 minutes one side, then turned around for another 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for the underneath which is always soft - have to turn loaf upside down to finish off.

Taste and texture - 8/10. Would like more 'sourness'.
How to achieve this?

After completely cold, cut loaf into good thick slices, wrapped in brown paper, then cling film, then put into zip lock bags for freezer.

Excellent for toast and lemon marmalade.

Bonne Maman lemon marmalade (my current fad)

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Thursday: sourdough again

Getting back into making sourdough after a long absence.
Starter taken out of freezer.
This is second loaf made. Better fermentation than first one, but final dough was a bit 'sloppy' ... ?
Retarded overnight for 12 hours.
Took out of fridge and didn't bring up to room temperature as the spring-back indicated it was ready to bake. Used Banneton baskets - (I am beginning to like the long one rather than the round).

Bake: much better. Hot water tray in bottom of high oven, creating steam.
40 minutes at 200 degrees, swapping half way through bake. Turned loaf over for final extra 10 minutes because bottom was soft.

Taste: really nice.


Arte Café, Barnes, London SW13 Best Italian pizzas. Ever.  Just mentioning a fact.